Lucy West - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - lucywestofficial
Lucy West has an established international career as a fitness expert, personal trainer and athlete.
She is a seasoned bodybuilding competitor, winning national titles, and promotes a healthy positive fitness and well-being lifestyle.
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Stuart Tickner - Elite Body Squad Athlete
BiographyInsta - stuart_tickner My name is Stuart Tickner and I'm 37 years old. I started lifting because I wanted to improve myself but mainly to build my self-confidence both physically and mentally. I study a martial art called Guba Doce Pares and I’m a 3rd degree black belt instructor. I was proud to be on the GB squad for several years where I held British, European, and World Titles, but none of this came easy to me. I had to work my butt off for it and that is what I loved about it - the harder you work to reach... Read more
Laura May
My fitness journey started when I was about 17, when I was working out about twice a week just to keep fit and toned. Now (aged 19) I'm working out around 3 or 4 times a week and really want to become much more toned and muscular. I’m maintaining my fitness but I’m working harder to gain more muscle definition. Her 5 general health and fitness tips: 1- Always set yourself goals, it will help you to push yourself as you work hard to achieve them. 2- Have a set routine of when and what time you... Read more
Emma Larson - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - emslarson I am a 42 year old Mummy to a beautiful little four year old and married to Elite Body Squad Brand Ambassador, Anthony Larson. I also work part time at the local college. I’ve always had an interest in the gym but it was sporadic, it’s probably only since having my daughter that I decided to put in some real effort. For the last six months I have had a training partner, which I feel makes all the difference.I weight train 6 nights a week and I have just recently started early morning cardio stints on the stair... Read more
A Day In The Life Of Anthony Larson
Insta - anthlarson A Day In The Life Of Anthony Larson Anthony Larson has been an ambassador for Elite Body Squad for a number of years. A keen sportsman, he has competed in a number of high level bodybuilding championships and recently competed at the UKBFF Welsh Championships where he was placed 3rd in the under-178cm Classic Bodybuilding category. This is a sample meal plan, with the right combination of proteins, carbs and fats. It’s a day in the life of a real champ…! Morning It’s an early start as I wake up at 5am and head down to the... Read more
Lily Curtis - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - lily_curtis4 My name is Lily Curtis. I'm 47 years old, married and mum to 2 girls and 2 boys. I've always been active and enjoy going to the gym at least 6 days a week and a yoga class on Wednesdays. I'm qualified as gym instructor and I also have a Law degree. At the moment I don't work with either of those. I enjoy creating healthy recipes using only nutritious ingredients and post it on my IG. I avoid all refined ingredients in my cooking. To keep fit and healthy I follow my own tips: Always Eat Healthy... Read more
A Day In The Life Of Craig Wright
A Day In The Life Of Craig Wright Instagram - craiglw007 Sunday 12 November (but applies to most weekends) Woke up at 7.30 and took Creatine, fish oil and BCAA Got to the gym for 8am (opening time) and trained till 9am. I trained arms mainly, tricep dips, bicep curls on the cable machine, kettlebell high pulls with a 32kg, regular pull ups, wide arm pull ups engaging back, farmers walks with two 25kg plates, recline rows on a TRX. Sauna till 9.20, left and got a can of sugar free monster (I had 3 over the course of the day... Read more
Megan Finnegan - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - meganfinnigan1 I'm 19 years old and play football professionally for Everton Ladies and England U20s. I've played football since I was 9 and in the last year I've been fortunate enough to do it as my full time profession. It's my passion and I have been privileged to captain my country on several occasions. Next summer, in 2018, I'll hopefully be competing in the U20 World Cup in France, so the opportunity to put myself on the world stage and show what I can do is something that excites me hugely. I want to continue playing football at the... Read more
Chloe Barrigan - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInstagram - chloe_b_squats I'm 21 years old and have been into lifting for around 2 years. I started lifting to change my appearance but it soon became my passion and I love getting stronger and trying new things! I'm currently on a strength programme. My top 3 tips for building muscle... 1. Go Heavy! Lift more weight in order to grow, the stronger you are the bigger you'll become. And girls... that goes for you too! You will NOT look manly, you aren't physically capable of looking manly if you're natural 2. Be Consistent. It takes time to build muscle so... Read more
Laura Sheriffe
BiographyInsta - _lwdanceworks Hi! I’m Laura Sheriffe and I own a dance school for children and young adults called LW Danceworks - we study all aspects of dance, singing and drama. Dancing is a great cardio workout for the whole body - it makes you stronger, more flexible, is great for your heart and also helps with strength and coordination…but, more importantly, it’s actually fun too! Research shows dancing can actually help boost your mental health and overall happiness – bonus! For me personally, I find dance a perfect core workout. A weak core results in poor posture... Read more
Emma Larson
I am a 42-year-old Mummy to a beautiful little four-year-old and married to Elite Body Squad Brand Ambassador, Anthony Larson. I also work part-time at the local college. I’ve always had an interest in the gym but it was sporadic, it’s probably only since having my daughter that I decided to put in some real effort. For the last six months, I have had a training partner, which I feel makes all the difference. I weight train 6 nights a week and I have just recently started early morning cardio stints on the stair master (45 minutes, three days a... Read more
Manuel Sthenics - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - manuelsthenics Hi, I’m Manuel Sthenics and my starting point was UNDER ZERO! No one I knew really used to work out, so I decided to change the situation and with the support of a friend I started to do push-ups from home. Once I was a bit more confident, I decided to take my training outside and trained at a park. Finally, I launched an Instagram profile which I manage like a personal diary, writing and photographing my fitness journey, mainly through callisthenics and street workout. Now I want to inspire people to street work out and help... Read more
Peter Batai
Pete Batai started a lifetime drug-free bodybuilding journey over a decade ago and has been competing with the BNBF and DFAC since 2008, placing second as a novice in his first show. In 2015, he won the BNBF British Middleweight Champion title alongside the Best Wheels trophy. Follow Peter on Facebook here. Read more
Chantelle Heskey
Chantelle Heskey is from a very healthy family where fitness and diet are important. Our latest guest ambassador, Chantelle founded the charity One Goal Foundation as well as being a patron of anti-human-trafficking charity UNCHOSEN. She's also wife to former Liverpool FC striker Emile Heskey and mum of three. Read more
Kelly-Marie Stewart
Kelly-Marie Stewart is an actress who used to be in Hollyoaks. However, following a holiday to the Dominican Republic, she was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and was paralysed as a result. Many years on and she’s determined to walk again. Read more
Craig Wright
Craig Wright is a 38-year-old bodybuilder who cleaned up his diet and turned up the dial on his training after being inspired by the fast progress a friend made. Make sure you give him a follow on Instagram! Read more
Anthony Larson
Anthony Larson, from Barnstaple in North Devon, is a 45-year-old accountant and keen sportsman. He's recently competed at the UKBFF Welsh Championships where he was placed 3rd in the under-178cm Classic Bodybuilding category. Read more
Brandon ’The Don’ Daord
New Pro Boxer Brandon Daord, aged 19 from Liverpool, had a glittering stint as an amateur boxer as 8 times ABA National Champion and picked up a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Youth Games. Read more
Helen MacGregor - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - heliemac1
Helen MacGregor is a Manchester based model, self-proclaimed fitness addict and foodie.
Check out her blog heliemac.com for clean eating tips! Read more
Connor Laing
BiographyInsta - connorla1 Connor started training for fun at the age of 18 when his weight was approximately 11st 6lbs. As a basketball player, he was very lean and for 6ft 3inch he felt this made him look very skinny. What started out as just a fun hobby in a small local gym soon became more and more important in my life and by time he was 20 he was packing a bit more muscle and weighing about 13 stone. Now at 22, Connor attends a large national gym and he is currently 15st 2lbs and growing all of the time!... Read more
Scott Burns - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - scott_burns_
Scott Burns is one of the latest members of the Body Squad, and we're glad to have him on board!
Scott is all about his meal prep and planning. You can check out his regime and tips here. Read more
Lee Tatton
BiographyInsta - theleeblue
Lee Tatton began his fitness journey after literally taking a long hard look in the mirror and realising he didn't like what he saw.
He moved abroad and started a 5-day a week fitness regime to get the body he's always wanted, and he's still working hard at it to this day. Read more
Sophie Major
Sophie Major is a 22-year-old Law student studying in Manchester. Originally from Shropshire, she's one of the latest members of the #BodySquad! Read more
Kyle Daniel - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - kyledanielkd
23 year-old Kyle Daniel from Kingston upon Hull is one of our first brand ambassadors.
Hugely passionate about sports growing up, he started out playing football, rugby and basketball. However he had most success competing in track and field events such as triple jump and the 100m sprint. Read more
Dani Carvalho - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - danicarvalho10
Daniela grew up in Portugal and moved to London when she was 19.
She has competed numerous times, including coming fourth in last year's WBFF. Read more
Jess Lee - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - jesslee3_
Seventeen year old Jess Lee from Hull is a sports and gym lover who fits figure skating, hockey, rugby, athletics and even cheerleading in between her days at college. Read more
Gary Corr - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - garycorr
Made in Manchester - weight training in Manchester: Gary was one of the first members of the #BodySquad.
Give his Instagram a follow! Read more
Alice Abbott - Elite Body Squad Ambassador
BiographyInsta - alice_abbott
Alice Anne Abbott is one of our first brand ambassadors and hails from Lincolnshire.
She trains hard six days a week whilst following a correct diet plan allowing herself one day off to eat what she likes a week!
She says her motivation for training hard is that you only get given one body and therefore you should look after it and show others your full potential. Read more
Arran Perry
Arran Perry is a 22-year-old sports marketing student from Leighton Buzzard and is the latest member of the #BodySquad. Read more
Peter Batai - Elite Body Squad Brand Ambassador
BiographyInsta - petebatai Pete "The Meat" Batai is a natural bodybuilder living in London. He started a lifetime drug-free bodybuilding journey over a decade ago and has been competing with the BNBF and DFAC since 2008, placing second as a novice in his first show. In 2015, he won the BNBF British Middleweight Champion title alongside the Best Wheels trophy - the latter a prize he was very proud of as legs were not his strongest muscles for years. In his own words I represented Great Britain as a member of the British team in the DFAC World Championship in Miami... Read more
Chantelle Heskey - Elite Body Squad Guest Ambassador
BiographyInsta- chantelletagoe Chantelle Heskey is from a very healthy family where fitness and diet are important. Our latest guest ambassador, Chantelle founded the charity One Goal Foundation as well as being a patron of anti-human-trafficking charity UNCHOSEN. In her own words I've always quite enjoyed eating healthily and trying to maintain a fairly healthy lifestyle - but being a mum and having to cook for 2 boys who hate their veggies and love carbs, it can be hard to stay focused! I do give them healthier carbs like brown rice and pasta, which they need to fuel their bodies as... Read more
Kelly-Marie Stewart: Health & Diet Adjustments Following Guillain-Barre Syndrome Diagnosis
BiographyInsta - kellymarielovelady Kelly-Marie Stewart is an actress who used to be in Hollyoaks. However, following a holiday to the Dominican Republic, she was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and was paralysed as a result. Many years on and she’s still receiving treatment but is determined to walk again. She works hard at upper body strength and follows a fitness/diet plan to help build strength in her legs. In Her Own Words I would consider myself to be quite a healthy person. I see my physio once a week for my Guillain-Barre syndrome and I push myself further with my personal trainer, who... Read more
Want to become the next #BodySquad member? Join the fastest growing network of fitness addicts and professional bodybuilders here. READ MORE