4 Great Simple Tips To Keep Your Waistline In Check This Christmas

Most of us love Christmas and while it’s a time to celebrate, it’s not always a celebration for your waistline!
With cold nights, a hectic Christmas party schedule and busy work commitments, it can be difficult to find the motivation or the time to exercise. But, there are some fun and really simple changes you can make to your daily routine to burn off the calories, without feeling guilty about skipping a workout!
Are you a fidget? If not, you should be!
1.Just by tapping your foot, shaking a leg or getting up and down keeps your body burning calories. Try it next time you’re watching tv!
2.Fancy a dance?
Whatever music gets you going, don’t feel ashamed to hit the dance floor or have a good boogie while in the kitchen - you could actually burn around 200 calories!
3.Do you have a head for heights?
Walking in heels burns anywhere from 90 to 200 calories in 30 minutes, and they tone and shape your legs too! C’mon boys, what are we waiting for?!
4.Lift or stairs? It’s a no-brainer, but walking up and down the stairs for 10 minutes can burn 102 calories – that’s one glass of fizz!