Here is how WWE's The Big Show lost so much weight

We are quite often reminded by the lovely people over at World Wrestling Entertainment that their athletes are "larger than life." This was certainly the case for one of their marquee stars who went under the ring name "The Big Show." Formally billed as weighing around 500 pounds, Big Show was a herculean-like figure and dominated the world of professional wrestling. Now, as he builds up for a match with Shaquille O'Neil (you read right) at Wrestlemania, he has seriously shed the pounds. He now weighs around the 350-pound mark, meaning he has managed to shift 150 pounds. Show's working schedule means he is active in the ring and is on the road for around 200 days a year. Despite this leaving him with 165 days free each year, a lot of these are spent travelling from state to state to compete in front of many differing crowds. This kind of schedule at the age of 45 takes it out of you. His original mass was largely due to quite a poor diet, caused by being on the road so much and becoming reliant on fast food rathered than structured meals. His height and weight are due to a pituitary gland tumour which formed during his childhood.

“It was definitely a conscious decision. You don’t make the transformation I’ve made without a serious commitment to changing 40 years of improper diet and improper training,”Wight teamed up with the Miami-based trainer Dodd Romero. Romero's previous clients have included the likes of Denzel Washington and baseball superstar Alex Rodriguez. Wight's training regime has been made up of a mixture of exercises including swimming, cycling and weights. Wight stated that,
“Right now my schedule’s pretty light, but if I’m home three days, I train every day. If I’m home 10 days, I train every day, Right now, mostly, everything I count on is high-rep. I’m not trying to build muscle right now, I’m trying to keep my metabolism up, keep my tendons strong, keep my joints good, and cut a lot of fat. We’ll get to the muscle-building end of it once I get my body fat down to where I want it to be. … Those who weight-train know what I’m talking about. Lower reps with heavier weight will be more for building muscle. Right now we’re just trying to burn it up and keep it high-energy so the fat doesn’t have a chance to stick and grow.”